Monday, 16 March 2009

Justin K Broadrick / Jesu / Greymachine

Anyone that enjoys sloth metal (you know, its heavy, its slow, it shits on you from a great height) will be pleased to know that Professor Godflesh (aka Justin K Broadrick, aka Jesu, aka Final etc etc) has unleashed a few new recordings recently. 4 albums of electronic adventures as far as i can tell. They're on my shopping list, but so are about a million other things.

To be honest, i'm still catching up with all the other stuff he's released over the last 8 months. The split with Battle Of Mice was tremendous, the "Why Are We Not Perfect" EP less so, and the split with Envy was nothing short of .. well, really fucking good. And that's not even beginning to mention the Final material thats been trickling out of late too...

In amongst the offering up of 4 new download-only albums (available from the avalanche store right here) was the news that the debut Jesu EP "Heartache" will be reissued this year with an additional disc containing an unreleased EP from 2003. Hooray!

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